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Steve Beckley has been in the fitness industry for more than 25 years. His passion started out in weight lifting and he has carried on his connection to the community through his journalism. He has written about hundreds of athletes, shared the stories of bodybuilders and fitness fanatics of all levels, and conducted interviews with the most decorated athletes right through to the weekend warriors.

Eryn is a full-time writer and yoga teacher living in Ottawa, Ontario, and the author of “Strong Body, Calm Mind: A Simple Guide to Empowering Your Life with Yoga.” She offers alignment-based classes that emphasize postural balance and precision, as a means to receive the greatest benefits from the practice and to guide students towards ever-deepening self-awareness. She believes that the holistic practice of yoga offers the solution to all of life’s challenges.

Myles Shane is a journalist/television Producer. He has been in and around the entertainment industry for over twenty years. Myles has written for magazines across North America and recently produced the feature documentary Sex, Fame & Murder for A & E Television Networks. His first exposure to broadcast journalism was in his twenties when he worked at ABC's 20/20 in New York city in the story development department

Laura Jackson is a Toronto based personal trainer, figure competitor, nutrition coach, and writer who specializes in helping women transform their bodies through diet and exercise. She is also the creator of an online magazine that strives to empower women through fitness, fashion and beauty, and has online coaching programs.

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    A collaborative fitness media platform. Muscle Memory Magazine is aimed at active men and women who are highly motivated in their quest to improve their bodies and their health. Catering to the Lean, Extreme, & Everything In Between!.

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